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TimothyHughes Offline

Beiträge: 8

16.05.2024 16:47
Economy of Kiribati Antworten

Kiribati is considered a developing country. A nation's stage of development is determined by a number of factors, including economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life. As a developing country, Kiribati may not be able to provide consistent social services to its citizens. These social services can include things like public education, reliable health care, and law enforcement. Developing country citizens may have a lower life expectancy than developed country citizens. Each year, Kiribati exports about $ 0.01 billion and imports about $ 0.08 billion. 30.6% of the country's population are unemployed. The total number of unemployed in Kiribati is 36,235. In Kiribati, 22% of the population live below the poverty line. The proportion of Kiribati citizens living below the poverty line is relatively high, but there is no cause for complete concern about investment. Potential financiers should look at other economic indicators, including GDP, rate of urbanization, and currency strength, before making any investment decisions. Government spending on education is 11.3% of GDP. The country's Gini index is 37.61. Kiribati experiences good equality. The majority of Kiribati's citizens are on a narrow income range, although in some cases there can be significant differences. Kiribati has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.607. Kiribati has an upper middle HDI value. This suggests that the majority of citizens will be able to live desirable lives, although some citizens will not be able to achieve a high standard of living. The strength of the Legal Rights Index for Kiribati is 4. Overall, it is viewed as rather inadequate - bankruptcy and collateral laws can protect the rights of borrowers and lenders to a certain extent; Credit information may be sufficient, but hardly available, or, conversely, it may be available but not sufficient.


The currency of Kiribati is Kiribati dollar. The plural form of the word Kiribati dollar is dollars. The symbol used for this currency is $, and it is abbreviated as AUD. The Kiribati dollar is divided into Cent; there are 100 in one dollar.

Credit rating

Credit rating is the extent to which international investors trust a country in paying debts and upholding the country's obligations in terms of crediting. There is no information on the credit rating of Kiribati.

Public debt

Kiribati has a government debt of 12.2% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as assessed in 2012.

Tax information

The corporate tax in Kiribati is set at 32.7%. Personal income tax ranges from 25% to 35%, depending on your specific situation and income level.


Total gross domestic product (GDP), valued as purchasing power parity (PPP), is $ 189 billion in Kiribati. The gross domestic product (GDP), valued as purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita, in Kiribati was last measured at $ 2 million. PPP in Kiribati is considered below average compared to other countries. A below average PPP indicates that citizens in this country are finding it difficult to buy local goods. Local goods can include groceries, shelter, clothing, health care, personal hygiene, basic furnishings, transportation and communications, laundry, and various types of insurance. Countries with below average PPPs are dangerous places to invest. The total gross domestic product (GDP) in Kiribati is 0 billion. Based on these statistics, Kiribati is considered a small economy. Countries with small economies generally support fewer industries and investment opportunities. However, worthwhile investment opportunities can be found. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Kiribati was last measured at 0 million US dollars. The average citizen in Kiribati has very little wealth. Countries with very low per capita wealth often have a lower life expectancy and a dramatically lower quality of life for their citizens. In countries with very low wealth, it can be very difficult to find a highly skilled workforce as it is difficult for citizens to get the education needed to specialize in industries. However, compared to countries with higher wealth per capita, workers can be found at very low prices. The annual growth rate of GDP in Kiribati averaged 3% in 2014. Accordingly, Kiribati is currently experiencing modest growth.

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